Our Prayer Chaplains

Our devoted loving prayer chaplains are committed to listening and affirmatively praying with you for spiritual support! Connect and receive your personal prayer to believe and know “ There is only one Presence and one Power in the universe and active in your life.”

We are available after Sunday service and/or please complete a prayer request form and we’ll call and pray with you.

To receive confidential one-on-one prayer support (24/7), please call Silent Unity, your partner in prayer at 816-969-2000 (English), 800-669-7729 (Spanish), postal mail, be.unity.org or via the BeUnity free mobile app.

Unity prays with all people of all faiths or no faith. Your prayer request is a sacred honor and trust. When you call and pray, your prayer request will be placed in the Unity Prayer Vigil Chapel for the next 30 days.

Rev. Merry Ann Friend, Prayer Chaplain Coordinator

Merry Ann FriendReverend Merry Ann has learned throughout her years of service that “Reverend” is a verb, not just a title. She cares deeply about ministry and considers it her purpose in this life. Reverend Merry Ann is dedicated to the Unity movement and sees each person as an expression of the Divine as well a valuable human being. She is committed to practicing Unity Principles, which have enriched her life as she moves through the very humbling experience of living in the world today. Her heart-centered approach to ministry focuses on being hands-on with the congregation and engaging the power of prayer. 

Ordained by Unity Worldwide Ministries in 2017, Reverend Merry Ann served as Senior Minister at Unity of the Mother Lode before joining Unity of Stockton as Associate Minister in March of 2022. 

Reverend Merry Ann is recently married and enjoys living in Angels Camp, California with her husband John and their fur babies - two cats, Bobbie Joe and Maggie, and two dogs, Chloe and Lola. When not at Unity or home, she also loves to spend time in nature.

Susan Diohep, Prayer Chaplain

Susan Diohep

Susan Diohep has been a member of Unity Center of Stockton for many years and has served both as a Prayer Chaplain and in several Board offices.

She is grateful to be a member of this community.



Glen Gomez, Prayer Chaplain


How May We Pray With You?

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